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Enchant With Mob

Мод для Minecraft, добавляющий в игру возможность заклинать мобов и повышать сложность игры.

Доступно на версиях Minecraft

[1.20.1] [1.20.4] [1.19.2] [1.20.2] [1.18.2]

Категории модов

Downloads 208K загрузок
Views 0 просмотров
Created Создано 1 год назад

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Разработчики мода

bagu_chan500 автар


trufflehistorian автар


Описание мода

Enchant With Mob

This mod introduces the Enchanter from Minecraft Dungeons, enhancing the challenge with Enchanted Mobs that are tougher to defeat. Enchanted mobs can be more powerful and drop Mob Enchant Books upon defeat. The Enchanter can enchant and strengthen hostile mobs, adding a new level of difficulty to the game.

Features include difficulty-based enchanted entity spawn, Enchanters joining raids, and the ability to enchant yourself and apply the mob enchant. The mod is modpacker-friendly with customizable options.

Modders can create addons to introduce more enchanted mobs or enchants to the game. The mod also supports Enchanter Armor model and Faction Craft. Future updates may include additional MobEnchants.


  • Edmord - texture artist

  • Evo - documented the CF page

  • BaguChan - Active Coder

  • TruffleHistorian - glowing enchanted eye texture making

  • Infamous Misadventures Teams - for the EnchantWithMob home and Bumble bee zone

Скриншоты мода

Скриншот мода Enchant With Mob #52611
Скриншот мода Enchant With Mob #52612

Скачать Enchant With Mob

Имя файла Загрузчик мода Версия Minecraft
Скачать Enchant With Mob 1.20.1
enchantwithmob-1.20.1-11.7.3.jar Forge 1.20.1
Скачать Enchant With Mob 1.20.4
enchantwithmob-1.20.4-15.7.1.jar 1.20.4
Скачать Enchant With Mob 1.19.2
enchantwithmob-1.19.2-11.5.1.jar Forge 1.19.2
Скачать Enchant With Mob 1.20.2
enchantwithmob-1.20.2-13.2.1.jar 1.20.2
Скачать Enchant With Mob 1.18.2
enchantwithmob-1.18.2-11.3.1.jar Forge 1.18.2